Yesterday forever

A veces uno trae tantas cosas en la cabeza que no sabe por donde empezar o a donde ir. Este es un collage de ideas que me asaltaron, y al ponerlas todas juntas se amplía el panorama al menos un poco.

Yesterday I said to me
I wouldn't betray myself again
But today I cannot help
To look around just standing here
Everything seems to be so fake
So I just close my eyes
Letting the world pass me by
Like a ghost, like an outsider
Feeling like I just can't fit
And I don't know if I want to
My dreams were more real than this
But now I can't remember them
As if at nights I were just paralyzed
I was rejected from Morpheus' realm
And I don't want this crappy world
There's only one thing that makes me go
Which might also be what blindfolds me
It doesn't matter anymore if it ever did
Breathing and choking in that beautiful death
A thin ray of hope I see sometimes
Through the thick, black clouds
At the end of the rainbow, maybe
Or where the Sun goes to sleep
Wherever it is I must reach that place
And then we'll be togheter
Looking at real stars, feeling real raindrops
You and me, that's all that'll matter then
We'll be there, we'll be forever

Gracias por leer.

1 comment:

El Frodo said...

Balta ya orgnizate un martes de pot!!! No hagas placa de que tienes tarea y la chingada...