You can have my father's arms
You can have my mother's milk
You can have me as a friend
You can have my woman's womb
Please, make yourself at home
Take my seat and eat my steak
Only one thing I must ask from you
Let me fed on your stinking shit
I want it filling up my lungs
I will send my children to do your chores
I will send my sisters to sew your clothes
I will kick my granpa out of his room
So you can bring your bed and all your friends
I will listen to and learn your jokes
Think of ways to keep you pleased
Whatever it takes for you to
Let me fed on your stinking shit
I want it filling up my lungs
I want you to fed me on your stinking shit
I want you to bend me over and fuck my ass
I want you to tell me what to do and where to go
You can have my father's arms
You can have my mother's milk
You can have shit!
Deaf Cambrian Aliens
Original Lie
what i wanted i couldn't have
there was a stain in my way
on the back of my head
from the dark ages of my dreams
reaching a star just to watch it die
the eyes of a sphinx licking on your skin
flagellating on your sins
inside of your rusted lungs
deep within, far inside
long ago, far away
open doors, closed hearts
another shelter thrown apart
rusted lungs and hearts and sounds
mutilated hands in vain
a rain drop's tryin to survive
between thigs of broken glass
circles and squares they look the same at night
light and darkness: shameless lovers
overjoyed in their primal screams
aware we are one and the same
we're one and the same, we cannot see
were born naked and mad in red
we're one and the same yet so apart
divided by a dirty steel veil
what i wanted i could see
what i wanted i could have
now it's gone and lost in time
but we're still here you, i & i
them and us is the original lie
them and us is the original lie
them and us should be crucified
for you and i and ours yet to come
Por algo así como 3 años, esa era la descripción que daba la bienvenida a la sección "Who's this biatch?"; 3 años no son nada, pero son suficientes para transformar radicalmente a una persona. En mi caso, considero que los cambios han sido sutiles pero muy importantes; la mayoría de ellos, quizá soy el único que los advierte.
Como sea, creí que era tiempo de cambiar esa descripción: Hoy me considero tan amante de la oscuridad como lo soy de la luz, hoy puedo ver que esa soledad era autoinflingida, y que por el amor no estoy perdido, que no debería estarlo nadie jamás.
Bienvenidos sean a Limbo, el lugar a donde vienen a parar mis destellos de consciencia e inconsciencia.
Metal Opera: Rehabklok
The Nowhen Man
No pienses en cuánto te cuesta a ti,
Piensa en lo que le cuesta al planeta.
Somos de tierra, no de plástico.
Hace 200 años.
Hace 200 años, un cabrón se agarró los webos y dijo "Hasta aquí". Hace 200 años, un cabrón se puso de pie ante el tirano, se hizo escuchar la voz e inconformidad de los de abajo contra los de la silla acolchonada. Hace 200 años, un cabrón se puso de pie ante el gobierno que pisoteaba a su gente. Hoy, nos sentamos cómodamente a chatear y a feisbuquear, mientras que las cosas están tan jodidas para la mayoría y nuestros gobernantes parasitarios salen a sus balcones a gritar hipócritamente el nombre del país que están contaminando con su avaricia, a gritar en vano el nombre de valientes que murieron para sacar de su trono a criminales como ellos.
Las fiestas del bicentenario son la cosa más irónica y nefasta que han concebido nuestros líderes. Más apropiado sería un funeral, en memoria de una nación que ha caído víctima de la corrupción y el conformismo.
Vivan los héroes que nos dieron patria y libertad.
Full of Love
They told me you were full of love
Praise your wisdom and learn your word
As I grew up and saw the world things began to make no sense
They told me you were full of love
Yet they killed people in your name
People singing, dancing in your day
Telling others how they should behave
People dressed as funeral clowns
Raping children and throwing stones
It wasn't long before I realized: Sell salvation, fill the world with lies
Flaunting love while spreading hate
Using your name for their own evil ends
They told me you were full of love
They all tell me you are full of love
Now I'm wondering: Were you ever here?
I close my eyes and there's no one there
Cultivo humano
A pig in a cage on antibiotics. - Fitter Happier by Radiohead
Postulados del ser
La Buharida
Karma is a bitch